
The challenges that face all sectors of society and businesses alike cannot be viewed in isolation – engaging with all stakeholders in any situation is the only way to identify and develop solutions that are inclusive and can succeed.

There are two very good reasons for businesses engaging in partnerships with the public sector and third sector – all are asking different questions and no one has all the answers!

Not only do we not have all the answers, when we find them it is certain that there will be a vast number of people, and businesses alike, unwilling to adapt and change in even the smallest way. There is a persistent ‘disconnect’ that requires significant behavioural change across ALL sectors of society.

The disconnect is everywhere – between company and consumer, business and union, politician and voter, employer and employee, and even doctor and patient, especially when the advice appears governmental, dictatorial or from an organisation with a sinister vested interest.

Sustainable partnerships between business and the third sector are key in both developing solutions and delivering them – fixing the disconnect. Together they also provide a strong lobbying force to disseminate best practice and drive real change at a higher level.

So, it is simple:

  • – Assess the situation and objectives
  • – Engage with all stakeholders
  • – Creatively problem solve the barriers presented
  • – Develop collaborative solutions with those engaged
  • – Implement and communicate through the most appropriate media
  • – With positive messages reinforce efforts for sustainable behaviour change